Shop Our Toile Collections
These hand-drawn traditional toiles are elegant remembrances of the festiveness of Carnivals in Mobile and New Orleans, as well as those cities’ charming landmarks, and the scenic views along 30A.
30A Toile
Memorable scenes of 30A beaches and towns - depicted on totes, hand towels and more.
Mobile Toile
The history and landmarks of Mobile and Mobile Bay captured in the perfect southern toile pattern.
Mobile Mardi Gras Toile
Never forget the joy. revelry and traditions of Mobile Mardi Gras with this colorful purple toile pattern.
New Orleans Toile
The classic architecture and traditions of New Orleans depicted in a subtle gold toile.
About the designer
Created by artist Jennifer Grehan, Southern Toile is a celebration of a sense of place. The patterns are inspired by New Orleans, Mobile, and the seaside communities along 30A in Florida. These places have special meaning to designer Jennifer Grehan and those who live and visit those communities.